Life Expectancy and Flossing I avoided getting into this previously, it’s a tough subject matter to tackle. In the landscape of incurable brain cancers my life expectancy is really pretty good. Yes, it’s that “lucky” thing again. I’ve been trying to think of a way of explaining it. I can’t stand the way someone might […]
Author: Amy
Update 13: Therapy & Dying
warning: snotty one I was sad. I went to see a psychotherapist. I’ve nearly always been pretty pleased with my good mental health, especially now as it becomes clear that my physical side is so very flawed. Over the summer, I felt very, very sad. I think my sadness and emotional trauma is pretty much […]
Update 12: Eggshit & Snot
warning snotty one Eggshit Eggshit, brexshit, it’s all shit. Also, I clearly can’t stay away from these puns. Must be the brain injury (and/or my comedy genius is unstoppable) A while ago, my sister mentioned that it might be a bit unfair to miss out all the miserable stuff in my communications. She’s right, it’s […]
Update 11: Plastered
warning: snotty one 2016. The year I gave birth to Ivy, my first, my beautiful, my perfect little baby. That’s what 2016 was meant to be about. Instead, 2016 became the year they found a Brain Tumour. My daughter Ivy is 11 months old now. Last week I finished plastering her room. At last, she’s […]
Update 10: Eggcheck 1
I went for my 3-month scan in June. Another hour in the MRI machine and another big shot of gadolinium juice in the arm. I like to think it’s a bit like the glow-in-the-dark green stuff from the Simpson’s but it’s probably not that fun. Interestingly (*too strong a word?), gadolinium build up from repeat […]
Update 9: A new better brain
There are many positive things I can tell you about. But, before I get too happy- clappy, be in no doubt, I still have a miserable, deadly, shitty brain tumour. That said, on with some good news… Firstly, I appear to have come out of the surgery with a little bit more brain(iness) then before […]
Update 8 – End of the egg, punfree not funfree
Hello!! I realised that I need to make a quick update to tell you how brilliantly well I’m feeling. The egg, and the egg puns, have finished so I may have to think of a new theme for my email titles from now.. So a few things to cover, extremely quickly now then maybe in […]
Update 7 – Post Eggsit Brain
Hello! Sorry this is a bit late arriving. I know you know that the pathology meeting was last Thursday which is a full a week ago and I’m sorry if you’ve been worrying about me. We’ll get to “Amy’s Scientific and Medical Advisory Board” some other time, if think you’re on it your probably are. […]
Brain update 6 – EggBlog
Hi! I wanted to write another update, it’s been a while! Two weeks ago I had the delightful “Eggstraction”. It wasn’t that awful but it is quite a violent bit of surgery. Of all the parts of the body where you’d want to be poked, I think the brain is probably up there on the […]
Brain update 5 – scrambled egg
It’s out I’m out. Just a little update… It was nasty and quite sore – violent bit of surgery cutting a hole in the skull, also I have lots of stab wounds where my head was pinned onto the operating table. And a rather sore jaw and a sore eye too, they cut through a […]