The egg in my head



If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you are my friend. Thanks for that – I love you!

If you don’t know me – welcome! I’m Amy, I’m I live in rural Wales (here) with my wonderful wife, Dee and our amazing old daughter Ivy. After Ivy was born in 2016 I started having some really strange epileptic events which eventually led me to find out there was an egg-sized tumour squatting in my head.  You can read about the strange and slightly comic events which led me to this day on the blog. It’s my “journey” and a good mix of funny, cheery and teary. Do feel free to have a read. I suggest chronological order if you want to get the complete picture.

THE PLAN… is to keep living. You can read about this plan and be prompted to make a donation to keep me (and others) alive here.